Spanocchia Spring 2006

A get to know ya blog?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

because this city just can't cope

'sup ragazz-s,

listen, it's 8:35 in the am here in seattle and am eating some bomb-diggity mexican leftovers after just getting back from the Best Walk Ever (save maybe for Kate and Courtney - and also Becky and soon Darcy's - walk across Spain).
"why?" you ask.
well, let me tell you.
yes, that's right. *actual* snow that's *actually* sticking.
none of this "lets snow some and then ICE the damn town."
no, this is real and beautiful and all i want to do is build a fort and playfully chuck snowballs at strangers.

ahh, well.

so, instead of working today (as I work in accordance with the schedule of the seattle public school district), i moved my car so it wouldn't get towed (after removing about an inch and a half of fresh snow from it's windows) and then started walking around, watching the sun come up in a city that is covered in beautiful snow.

it's was f**king a-may-zing.

i love you all.

especially sarah. who has pineapples. or did.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Just one more, look at this monsterous(kidding) bud I found in a corn field in Nebraska. Also, the farmer was honestly the finest corn fed specimen I've ever seen. I kick myself for not taking his picture.

Hi guys, Carmella I love the use of "asinine". So I just got back from a trip to Mexico. Nayarit and Sinaloa where I did some work on a pineapple farm. Here's a pic or two...Hope your all great!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


just thought you might like to see some really horrific journalism.
and yes, i went to the same university as this kid.
