Spanocchia Spring 2006

A get to know ya blog?

Monday, October 23, 2006

Let's Make Trade Fair

Ciao tutti

Remember how stunned and stupefied we all felt after watching "The Future of Food"? Well let's do something about it! As part of my internship with Oxfam America, We are distributing information on the trade distorting subsidies of the 2007 Farm Bill, and why it matters in the Midterm Elections.

Check out your fellow farmboy in action at:

then tell all your friends to visit the Oxfam website at:

I would love to send you videos and materials if you want to organize a meeting, and look forward to hearing what everyone's up to-


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Sweet little picture...

Didn't know if you guys have seen this, Ian sent it to me.

Pretty damn cool.