Spanocchia Spring 2006

A get to know ya blog?

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Hey Sarah- Thank you for the tip. I've checked it out and i must say it is excellent. I don't know if you alls remember my friend Derek but he gets called all the time for looking like Jemaine .

Anyway just saying Hello to all ya'll who wander past this ol' blog every now and again. I was in Italy a few months back w/ my girlfriend. We spent most of our time in Sicily talkin up a storm of Italian and whipping thru hillsides on our fantastic silver motorino.

I'll be posting some more photos and drawings on my new blog

Hope you're all well!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

just thought you all should know...

i am currently (and very definitely) buzzed off of one glass of wine.

how i let this happen, i do not know.
what i do know is that this tells me it has been far too long since i have seen you.

that, and it makes me think of the first pizza night.



Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A smoke signal for Douglas

Doug, you must watch the series "Flight of the Conchord". It is the best show I've seen in years and for some reason it reminds me of you. You'd love it. Trust me. It's on HBO. Save your nickles. Or go to a friends house.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

365 giorni fa

and i still miss you as much as i did the day we left.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Happy Anniversary, Folks!

one year ago, plus one day = happy times.
and to celebrate those, here is a photo of becky, rose, and doug in our pulcenelli cucina.

miss you/love you/all that mushy (true) shit,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

haaappppppppy valentine's day kids!

...i loooove-r you all (and i long for davide)

F the new Blogger

And why didn't I think to put a cool name. F.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

because this city just can't cope

'sup ragazz-s,

listen, it's 8:35 in the am here in seattle and am eating some bomb-diggity mexican leftovers after just getting back from the Best Walk Ever (save maybe for Kate and Courtney - and also Becky and soon Darcy's - walk across Spain).
"why?" you ask.
well, let me tell you.
yes, that's right. *actual* snow that's *actually* sticking.
none of this "lets snow some and then ICE the damn town."
no, this is real and beautiful and all i want to do is build a fort and playfully chuck snowballs at strangers.

ahh, well.

so, instead of working today (as I work in accordance with the schedule of the seattle public school district), i moved my car so it wouldn't get towed (after removing about an inch and a half of fresh snow from it's windows) and then started walking around, watching the sun come up in a city that is covered in beautiful snow.

it's was f**king a-may-zing.

i love you all.

especially sarah. who has pineapples. or did.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Just one more, look at this monsterous(kidding) bud I found in a corn field in Nebraska. Also, the farmer was honestly the finest corn fed specimen I've ever seen. I kick myself for not taking his picture.

Hi guys, Carmella I love the use of "asinine". So I just got back from a trip to Mexico. Nayarit and Sinaloa where I did some work on a pineapple farm. Here's a pic or two...Hope your all great!

Saturday, January 06, 2007


just thought you might like to see some really horrific journalism.
and yes, i went to the same university as this kid.


Monday, December 04, 2006


Hi guys,
Just wanted to say hello, hope everyone is doing well. Things are good down here. My work burned down to the ground, but I am still working and I think my boss is going to pull through it. Going to Mesico pretty soon for work and I'm excited about that. I'd like to know how you are all doing! Spizzle my nokes yo.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Driving Skills

If you haven't seen it, I put this little experiment on my website featuring our beloved van. Just click on 'Drive' to drive it.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Ragazzi! I'm moving to Brooklyn in two days and am freaking out about it!